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Weekly Tech Brief Updates For Today! 5/15/2002

Patriotism - Home Of The Free, Land Of The Brave! Compassion For All!

Hard Drive Replacement / Upgrade:

Using a computer which has a 500mhz Pentium processor, a BIOS with a date of 06/21/96, 32MB of memory installed on a motherboard of unknown manufacture and with 500 MB of HD storage we will install a new hard drive and also move the existing files and operating system to the new drive.

The possible options that were considered and investigated will be discussed and
the final plan, believed to be the lowest cost option will be presented.

The process will take about an hour.

Afterwards, Tom Tyner will share with us his experience with the new Giga-Byte M/B GA-7VRXP (RAID). Tom will also update us on his thoughts of which RAM he will use and why. DDR333 or PC2100... Questions? Ask Wed @ BuildOrBuy! 

../images/bullet2.gifBuildOrBuy PC Specifications 5-1-02 By Joe Whinery

Author: George Walker

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