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Sam McJunkin's PC Build Debrief (Lessons
Build Debrief
Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2001
From: Sam McJunkin <smcj@hal-pc.org>
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A few of the many things
that I learned from my 1st build:
It's okay to have your # 2
Phillips screwdriver magnetized.
- Have a pencil
available to mark installation spots for MB stand-off screws.
- Power up on a
simple keyboard and a simple PS/2 mouse.
- "Dumbing
down" is a good idea - minimum of peripherals installed on power
- It helps to
have another PC logged on to the Internet immediately adjacent to the
PC under construction.
- Download
drivers prior to Build Session and place on a CD, or in the instance
of an OEM Hard Drive - on a boot up floppy.
- Have several
blank floppies available to obtain drivers from the Internet, if
necessary, (from the PC already logged on), and to create an Emergency
Repair Disk.
- If you're
going to pre-mount Hard Drives & CD-DVD & CD-RW, you need to
make sure that ribbon cables will reach the Motherboard, and you might
as well set jumpers for "Master" & "Slave".
McJunkin, P.E.
- Words Of Wisdom From Sam McJunkin #2: buildorbuy.pps.
- Sam McJunkin's PC Witticisms:
- Components