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  1. images/bullet2.gifWin2000 & WinXP Comparisons And Features List:
WinXP Pro Network Location Awareness Service Provider - NLA

"The Network Location Awareness (NLA) service provider is vital for computers or devices moving between different networks, and for selecting optimal configurations when more than one is available. NLA is capable of providing clients with notification of network location changes. NLA, enables Windows Sockets 2 applications to identify the logical network to which a Windows computer is attached. NLA is implemented as a generic Windows Sockets 2 Name Resolution service provider.

The Goal of NLA is to make it easy for developers to write network aware applications and services. NLA does this by providing applications with a unified API that allows them to obtain up-to-date network information and location change notification." www.microsoft.com

  1. Network Location Awareness Service Provider (NLA) [Winsock]
  2. Longhorn Network Location Awareness Service ("Longhorn" Technical Articles)
  3. The Role of NLA [Winsock]
  4. Querying NLA [Winsock]
  5. Notification from NLA [Winsock]
  6. Registering a Service Instance with NLA [Winsock]
  7. Microsoft Windows XP Networking Features and Enhancements: See - Network Location Awareness and Winsock API Enhancements

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Web Development, Gill Boyd & Team - Updated 06/13/2005