Group Network
[ www.buildorbuy.org
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We are a Patriotic People. We are a compassionate people. We are a God
Fearing People - Lovers of good and haters of evil.
An attempt to explain the unexplainable - Jane's Americas News -
(September 14 , 2001).
8 Step Grieving
Process - Reality Checkup - (9-25-01).
9-11-2001 - Attack On America: LAN Security
Original accounts stated 62 Nations were directly affected by this
Salute to America
Why this link above? Remember who we are. We will never be afraid
to fight to preserve peace. Be proud to live in a country that is
worth fighting for. God Bless America!
From Sam McJunkin:
Trade Center - Minoru Yamasaki - Great Buildings Online -
Compassion - We Shall Overcome. Business Shall
Continue! God Bless America!
Terrorists are using the Internet - Media Coverage
- Terrorist Couriers using portable Zip Drives -
Media Coverage
- Follow the money. We'll find the source!
Safe LAN Suggestions in times of National
Security Threats.
- Keep
Anti-Virus applications current!
- Maintain
a Firewall: Software or Hardware
- Do
NOT open ANY attachments blindly. Check everything received from
- Watch
Security Bulletins & Service Packs for your Operating System -
Win2000, IIS, etc.
- Maintain
any HotFixes:
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer MBSA .
Vehicles Fueled. Maintain 3 day supply of food and water.
Blood if you're able to help others in need.
9-11-2001 - National
8:45 AM - 1st Plane - World
Trade Center, Manhattan NY Hit
- 9:08 AM - 2nd
Plane - World Trade Center
- 9:38 AM - 3rd
Plane - Pentagon (Arlington, VA)
- 10:10 AM - 4th
Plane - Remote Area plane crash near Pittsburgh, PA
10: 05 AM - Trade Center:
Building Collapse, South Tower
- 10:28 AM -
Trade Center: North Tower Falls
Building 7 Collapses @
World Trade Center: Previously Evacuated
- Total Missing:
Buildings and equipment can
be replaced, people cannot. Four Planes, 2 each from American Airlines
& United Airlines. Four Targets. Three targets were achieved, one
apparently compromised. Who would ever think such as this could
happen? What we have in our hearts is what we give. Can anyone have
this much hate in their heart for their fellow man? Can anyone place
so little value on life? For what purpose?
Discussion is an exchange
of knowledge, argument is an exchange of ignorance. People are our
most important asset. Just as a child is a privilege not a possession,
life too is a gift. For the Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Man's
way or Gods way? Proverbs 16:3
Terrorism is real. Expect
cyber security threats to your computer. We must keep our computers
secure lest we become unwitting participants in a larger network
Where were you on this day?
And what were you doing?
If you suspect your Network
to be compromised - Pull The Network Plug! Assess any perceived damage
and act accordingly. Secure your own LAN before proceeding to help
anyone else with their LAN security. Most of us are probably safe.
Stay Safe! Those of us with Broadband connections could be used to
initiate a threat on other more secure Networks around the globe. This
threat is real. Keep your Networks secure. Above all in your
vigilance, be prayerful. Psalm 23
Proverbs 16:3
News Sources:
Higher Levels of Surveillance. God Bless America.
- NSA - Echelon & FBI - Carnivore a.k.a. DCS1000
- LAN PC & Homeland Security Precautions
Digital Video Surveillance Systems For Home & Small Businesses
One Last Thought:
We strongly suggest
boycotting any business participating in price gouging during times of
National Emergency. If you suspect such activities, contact your local
District Attorney, Attorneys General and Better Business Bureau. Do not
be intimidated. United we stand, one nation under God, indivisible with Liberty and
Justice for all.
Price Gouging Hotline, Attorney General's Consumer
Protection Division: (800) 252-8011 or (800) 337-3928.
Be Safe America - GB |