BuildOrBuy Group
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Broadband Rules!
For Broadband, we have mainly 2 realistic choices - Cable or DSL. Cable
is easier to setup and configure. Cable initially offers a higher
throughput whereas DSL may be easier to get and for many Users. Cable is currently the
only option for many Users. Whichever Broadband you select, we strongly encourage the
- Get a Hardware Router!
- Get a Software / Hardware Firewall.
- Keep your Antivirus
software current!
- Implement SPAM
Protection! Greater Bandwidth requires greater responsibility.
- IF and when you go Wireless,
keep it safe and lock out the riff raff.
When seeking to secure a Broadband Internet
Service Provider (ISP), be careful and research to be sure you're getting
what you think you're paying for. You'll find some resellers repackaging
services from AOL. Now how many ways can you repackage AOL? Take a look @
Circuit City Broadband offerings. Most all of those Broadband solutions are AOL
concentric. OK if that's what you really want.
And... For those Users requiring more Bandwidth
requiring Broadband Aggregation by combining disparate Broadband
sources, get a Dual WAN Router with Load Balancing! See:
Router Recommendations.
SBC ups the ante in broadband war CNET News.com: "SBC, the
second-largest phone company in the United States, announced Wednesday
that it will reduce the price of its DSL service for new subscribers to
$14.95!" (6/2/2005)
- Gear Source: DSL
Warehouse provides DSL Modems and Routers
- Broadband
Internet Access with Windows 98 Second Edition (6/19/2002).
users cut into cable - Tech News - CNET.com (6/4/2002).
- The Electronics Industry Knowledge Network: Broadband
Breaking News (6/3/2002).
Push Is On for National Broadband Strategy (5/30/2002).
Kill DNS Errors for Faster Broadband (5/15/2002).
HOME News Cable Modem Hacking Goes Mainstream - Keep It Legal!
- Your cable modem reference (5/11/2002).
OneStep (5/11/2002).
Affordable Broadband, for most of us, can
be either Cable or DSL depending upon your location and
preference. Below are Links to help in understanding Broadband. Welcome!
suggest using DSL -
DSLreports.com - the place for BROADBAND to get a more accurate
assessment of service providers in your area. Remember: Knowledge is
power only when acted upon. Use the knowledge wisely to make a smart
buying decision.
Cablenut (Same as www.broadbandnuts.com)
Great source of tweaks and tests!
- broadbandreports.com -
the place for BROADBAND (6/27/2002).
- Southwestern
Bell Internet - Windows XP - DSL Internet
- The Broadband Source, Pure PC
Internet Connection Tweaking (2/11/02).
- T A L K B R O A D B A N D .
Concerned about Your Broadband Access?
Briefly Cox posts lower profit, higher revenue CNET News.com:
Bandwidth... At a Premium! "Road Runner zip-bangs to
6mbps..." (7/31/2004)
- Broadband
numbers show heightened demand CNET News.com: (10/31/2003).
- Cable beats DSL
in speed race CNET News.com: (4/26/2003).
- pcmag.com
- Broadband: The
Complete Guide to Broadband (1/21/2003).
- Research: CableLabs Home:
Revolutionizing Cable Technology
Tauzin-Dingell Easily Passes House:
Internet Freedom and Broadband Deployment Act gains wide support;
Senate passage unlikely (3/7/2002).
Jack Hamilton: Ma,
Ma, Ma Bell... Tauzin-Dingell Bell Alerts
/ Who Let The Dogs Out! Voices
For Choices - "Congressmen have introduced legislation to
Reopen the Telecom Act of 1996 and give Phone Giants special
favors." (2/25/2002).
Solutions Magazine • Inbox Subscription Form (1/26/2002).
Page - Broadband Week Online
Modem Help - Answers for cablemodem users (1/30/2002).
- vnunet.com
Cable modem speeds set to triple (1/18/2002).
CommWeb: Cable Modems
- Shared networks in which the high-speed
Internet access depends on how many customers are using the Web
simultaneously (May 17, 2002).
Broadband security - Got Broadband?
You're Under Attack (06/12/2001).
Bell Internet - Windows XP: DSL
DSL Modem compatibility with SWBELL
& Windows XP using WinXP Built In DSL Driver
Software (PPPoE). ...more.
- Desktop Security for DSL Cable Broadband Connectivity - - First
beta release will be available soon!
Internet Desktop - Speed and Security for your Windows and Internet
- DSLreports.com - the place for BROADBAND!
- Navas
Cable Modem/DSL Tuning Guide -
- Nexland
Online: ISB Pro800turbo - Dual Modem Ports, 8 Port 10/100 Switch w/
Serial +
2 Modem Ports that
Load Balance 2 Broadband Connections! See:

Win2000 Users: