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Site Index List

As requested from our Build Or Buy Attendees.


list.html - Build Or Buy Site Index (This page). SEE: TOC - Table of Contents.

transfer-specs.html - Device Technologies - Transfer Rates
uptodate.html - OK, so we're reconfiguring the site. Keeping Up To Date... Good reference materials.
buildspecs.html - Recommended PC Build Specs & Specials!
1-2001.html - Current PC Build Specs 01-06-2001:

wavtomidi.html - Wav to Midi & Midi to Wav, Mod to Midi Conversion Tools; Audio Transcription and Virtual Cabling.

cdindex.html - Access point for Build Or Buy A PC CD Indexes 1 & 2.
1disc.html - CD Index - Disc 1, 9-29-99
2disc.html - Build OR Buy CD Disc 2 initial Index. See Disc 2 for current list.
3disc.html - Build OR Buy CD Disc 3... Tentative Release Date: March 31, 2001, Special Build Session Date!
dawstation.html - Digital Audio Workstation
dawtools.html - Digital Audio WorkStation Gear - What to look for.
videotools.htm - Rough Research Page. Codecs, Connectivity etc.
turntables.html - Belt Drive & Direct Drive Turntable Resources, Cleaners and Accessories.

eps16plus.html - Ensoniq EPS 16 Plus Reference Page.

howto.html - How To Highlights... Bios Upgrades.
projects.html - Guest Speakers, Links to Photos * How To...
technology.html - More Codecs, CD-ROM, Digital A/V & I/O Topics.

bbhphelp.html - Build Or Buy Help Committee List.
bbhpphil.html - Our Heavy Philosophical Theories.
bbhpeqmt.html - Equipment Upgrades And Assembly Requirement Guidelines For Assisted Help.
bbhpmeet.html - Meeting Times
bbhpintr.html - Introduction... What do we DO?
bbhppurp.html - Our Purpose...
operations.html - Operations... Rules Of Engagement.
leadership.html - Build Or Buy Steering Committee Members.
feedback.htm - Visitor Feedback.
newsarch.html - Newsletter Archive. Remember when we had handouts?
archive.html - More of above. Still important enough for referral.

ada.html - Americans with Disabilities PC Resources

installscsi.html - Generic SCSI Installation Procedure
autoplay.html - CD-R AutoPlay Enabling Applications.
index.html - Build Or Buy Home Page
usb2.html - USB 2 Final Spec Announced From WinHEC (April 27, 2000)
1394.html - 1394 - FireWire - iLink Technologies
cdtests.html - CD-ROM Testing Apps (List Needs Updating!)
research.html - Currently 911 Disaster Recovery Solutions +.
specials.html - Specials currently from SharkMM.
photos.htm - Build Or Buy A PC Photo Gallery.
links.htm - Lame Links, to be updated later...
av.html - Digital Audio / Video.
        Anything that can be Digital will be Digital!

press.html - Technology Announcements & Industry Media / Press Releases.
usb2-devcon.html - USB 2.0 Developers Conference
media-pr.html - Media / PR... access point.
cdrom-dvd.html - CD-ROM & DVD Technologies...
5-2000.html - As of 5-2000, recommended Minimum Configuration For New PC.
4-2000.html - Component List for Special Build Session, March 29-2000.
3-2000.html - Go figure... See above.
11-99.html - Need more? See above, above...
june97.html - June, 1997 PC Build Specs. For reference.
codecs.html - Codecs rule in the digital domain! Do you know your installed Codecs?
p3-ram.html - Intel PIII (Katmai, Coppermine & Willamette) CPU Reference Chart.
rumors.html - Tech Rumors... Slim pickens lately. No one's talking!
bbhpkutd.html - Keeping Up To Date... Page pointer  uptodate.html
usb2utmi.html - A mouthful

USB 2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interface (UTMI), the specification partitions USB 2.0 functionality between the USB 2.0 Transceiver and Parallel Interface Engine.

homewire.html - Home Automation & Wiring Technologies...
chipsets.html - Chipsets Rule!
banner.html - Place marker Project TBA Later.
bbhplink.html - Build Or Buy, Technology Links
bbhpsimm.html - SIMM Memory Nomenclature
bbhpdimm.html - DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module) Memory Nomenclature
bbhpfrmt.html - Table Of Diskette Format Structures.
processors.html - The Big 4 of Processors.
memory.html - Simms, DIMMS, RAMBUS & DDR.
power.html - Power, Protection, UPS's, Batteries & Cables...
bbhpgill.html - Gill Boyd, Build Or Buy PC SIG Leader.
winmetools.html - WinMe 98 Tools & Drivers.
homewire.html - Home Automation & Wiring Technologies...
downloads.html - Need we say more? Nothing to see yet. Be patient! This will include a link to our anonymous FTP site:

themes.html - Windows Themes Resources (Desktop Architect).
pdf/ axionps01-10-2001.pdf

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